Sunday, 2 March 2014

No Parking!

Here is one of the North Place car parks in Cheltenham now closed since the council sold it off. It actually shut a while ago pending re-development as affordable housing although I believe the deal may have fallen through so I'm not sure what the future now holds for this site.

North Place Car Park, Cheltenham

From an aesthetic point of view though, I am enjoying the sight of an empty car park currently only accessible to pedestrians and cyclists en route to and from the town centre.

North Place Car Park, Cheltenham

Of course, I don't imagine this can last and my guess is that it will probably re-open as private car park until another developer comes along…

North Place Car Park, Cheltenham (looking South)

But in the meantime I can enjoy the satisfying and panoramic expanse of grey and white.

North Place Car Park, Cheltenham (looking North!)